Monday, March 23, 2009

It's a First!

Usually when I am going on vacation, I wait until the absolute last moment to pack. Well, maybe not the last moment, I don't wait until it's time to go - that would probably make me flip out and make my head spin or something like that. For some reason though, I don't want to face the whole packing thing so I wait until around midnight to start. This of course means I am up way too late. Then, I can't sleep because I am afraid of sleeping through the alarm and missing my flight.

This time, I picked out all my clothes (and already weeded through them to cut it down, thanks to help from Tom) YESTERDAY! Yup, two days before we are set to leave. And you know what? Today I am a bit more calm and centered than I usually am the day before a trip. All I have to do is pick out what books I am taking, pack some snacks, get the little things together for the carry-on - stuff like that. And, I even have time to do some last-minute cleaning so my friend who is watching the cats doesn't realize how much I truly hate cleaning...

What's funny about this whole scenario is that I used to go TDY quite a bit. For some reason, packing for a TDY never really stressed me out as much as packing for a vacation. I guess mostly because clothes choices were pretty limited for TDYs - uniforms, combat boots, and maybe some hanging out clothes. Nothing special. Now if only I could figure out how to look at all packing in the same way. It would make travel-prep much less taxing.

Speaking of taxing - have you done your taxes yet? We're thinking about skipping it this year. After all, someday we may want to be Secretary of the Treasury and we don't want to ruin our chances...hmmm...


  1. Ooh! The sarcasm! And venturing into the political realm of blogging as well??? I'm proud of you! Spread your wings! Just remember, what you blog today will be overlooked in your vetting for Secretary anyway.

  2. Man, Paul and I used to wait until the last minute to pack, then stayed up too late, and then we had to work on the flight doing overwater navigation! Those were the days!
