Saturday, April 30, 2011

Twitter Update

I am loving my Twitter account...

I only check it once or twice a day (usually on my iPhone while Boy Wonder is sleeping) but I'm getting all kinds of information I wasn't getting before. Things such as recipes, daily quotes from various sources, news, job openings, media information, etc. I feel like an "insider" which is pretty cool. It was really cool while the wedding was going on yesterday - lots of moment by moment updates...

There are some "people" I'm following who tweet a little bit too much for my taste but overall I think I'm following a good variety of accounts which keeps me on my toes. At times it does seem as if I'm getting a little bit of information overload...I've had to e-mail myself numerous links so that I can go back and read the articles or go to the link on the big computer (instead of my iPhone). Right now I have at least 10-12 of those e-mails waiting until I have some time to really look at them.

Despite this information overload - I'm really enjoying "hearing" about different things and getting information in essentially "real" time...

What a fun invention...wonder what will come next?

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